Ronnie Medlock

Ronnie Medlock

Vice President - Technical Services at High Steel Structures

Ronnie Medlock is Vice President - Technical Services, at High Steel Structures LLC in Lancaster PA, where he is responsible for quality control, technology advancements, and engagement with the engineering community. Prior to joining High Steel, Ronnie worked for TxDOT from 1988 to 2006. Ronnie is from El Paso, Texas, is licensed in Texas, and earned BS and MS degrees at UT Austin. He is a member or leader of various communittees of AISC, AISI, AREMA, NSBA, AREMA , AWS, NSBA , RCSC, and TRB.


Quality of Steel Bridge Materials: Imperfections and Inspections [QC21]
Thursday, April 3 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM ET
Achieving Excellence in Fabricated Structural Steel [K3]
Friday, April 4 12:15 PM - 1:45 PM ET