Terri Meyer Boake

Terri Meyer Boake

Professor at University of Waterloo

Terri Meyer Boake B.E.S., B.Arch., M.Arch., LEED AP is a Full Professor and Associate Director at the School of Architecture at the University of Waterloo in Canada. She has been teaching building construction, environmental design and film at Waterloo Architecture since 1986.

She was part of the team responsible for the design of the new Architectural Engineering Degree offered at Waterloo, which will see its first graduating class in 2023. She is part of the steering committee for the AE program and also teaches a core introductory course as well as an AE Enclosure Studio.

Her area of research passion is Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel and has now published four extensive books on the subject with Birkhauser: Understanding Steel Design (2011), Diagrid Structures (2013), Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel (2015) and Complex Steel Structures (2020). She works with several agencies developing teaching resources for Architectural education as well as providing numerous continuing education talks, nationally and internationally, for architects and engineers in the applications of Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel. She has recently received the Lifetime Achievement Award from the American Institute of Steel Construction for her contributions to the field.

She is active with the Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, recently named the Chair of the Height and Data Committee. She is active with the Fire Engineering group and the Skyscraper Board. She was named a Fellow of CTBUH in 2023.

Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel: Best Practices for Clear Communication [A2]
Wednesday, April 2 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM ET
An Understanding of AESS [CAPS2-3]
Thursday, April 3 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM ET